About Photograph West Cornwall & Ken Whalley ARPS

With over 45 years’ photography experience, I have a vast knowledge of all areas of photography. I spent the first 30 years with film and processed black & white, colour slides and colour prints which has given me a great grounding in photography.

Then, I have spent over 25 years in digital photography. I started experimenting with digital when the very first compact digital camera was released by Nikon in 1996 and have been owning and using Nikon DSLRs since 2004 when I finally sold my 35mm Nikon equipment. I have owned or used almost every pro Nikon DSLR since then as well as a few of their advanced amateur enthusiast models, so I have a vast knowledge of Nikon equipment. However, my photographic knowledge is not just Nikon and I can offer advice on all the other manufactures’ equipment as well.

My knowledge of West Cornwall is even greater having visited almost every year since 1956 on family holidays  then continuing to visit with my own family as they grew up.

For the last six years, I have spent many weeks throughout the year photographing West Cornwall during the different seasons before moving to Hayle and taking other photographers to the places which mean so much to me and are so attractive and stunning to see.

I achieved the  Associate Distinction of the Royal Photographic Society in September 2010  with a panel of landscape images of southern England and  have been an active member of the society for over 16 years.

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