Photographic Workshops on location in West Cornwall
As the workshops are on a one-to-one basis the content is up to you.
We can help you to improve your photography in any of the following areas. Obviously the more time booked will allow for more topics to be covered and in greater detail:
Basic camera setup.
Reasons to use RAW files over JPG The benefits and disadvantage of RAW.
Other important camera settings, ISO, Colour Balance and P,A,S, and M settings .
Using different focal length lenses to give you the impact you require.
What aperture to use for best results.
Depth of field, and tools to help you choose the most appropriate aperture. Understanding reciprocity.
Using a tripod to create sharp photographs. How a tripod will slow down the photography process to help improve your composition.
The advantages of various types of tripods and their heads.
Composition covering the rule of thirds, etc.
Lead in lines, foreground interest, including how to give a sense of scale.
Searching for the best vantage points in a landscape.
Taking multiple exposures for exposure blending in Photoshop or HDR and multiple exposures for panoramic stitching using Photoshop or Lightroom.
Low light exposures.
Long exposures for emphasising movement.
Using Filters,
Polarising filters,
Neutral Density including Big and Little Stoppers.
Graduated Neutral Density Filters including Hard and Soft graduations.
West Cornwall is also ideal for star photography as there is very low light pollution in the far west. Night workshops can be arranged but are subject to clear skies. Photograph the stars, learn to paint with light on foreground objects or how to take star trails. As star photography is dependent upon the visibility of the moon, we have included a page detailing the best dates for the potential of Milky Way photography.
In spring learn macro photography when the cliffs are covered in small wild flowers which are ideal macro subjects.
Most importantly you will be learning in beautiful inspiring locations in West Cornwall.
If you are a beginner, learn the basics to improve your photography. The day course can help you with the basics and give you many tips on improving the quality of your work and stimulate your interest in photography.
More advanced photographers can concentrate on particular areas of their photography which they would like to improve.
Perhaps you are an advanced amateur or professional photographer and just want to be taken to spectacular locations and need little or no tuition? We can transport you around the stunning sites of West Cornwall.
Adobe Lightroom Workshops
The location based workshops can also include an introduction to processing your images using Adobe Lightroom. Learn how to get more out of the photographs you have taken during the day using Lightroom. In the afternoon spend a few hours learning the basics. On a two or three day workshop spend half a day learning the benefits of using Lightroom.
Lightroom Workshops are designed to introduce the Lightroom Work-flow.
Manage your images, import your images into Lightroom.
Develop your images using the development module.
Export your images or manipulate them in other programs such as Photoshop.
Export images, and create beautiful prints from within Lightroom.
Also if you want to create Blurb books or create web pages these can also be produced from within Adobe Lightroom and can also be covered.